Tried Jacket potatoes and turned out really nice! I find that the microwaves & oven doesn’t always soften the potatoes properly but these came out great! Wash and pricked with a fork, brushed with olive oil and sprinkled with roast potato seasoning. Started on low for 3 hours and then high for 2 hours ( no foil used 🙂 )
I found the skin to be not soft but not entirely crispy etc somewhere in the middle lol but the potato tasted amazing! So soft and didn’t even need butter!
Alot of people forget how energy efficienct slow cookers are around 15p for 7 hours and that the main convenience other then taste is u can leave them all day if u need to go out and things be done when u get home.

Member Question… 5/6 mins inmicrowavecouple of mins in oven to crisp.
Answer… I usually do that method but I have found sometimes parts of the potato are still rock solid even after the oven so thought I would give this a try x.
Member Question… What is roast potato seasoning? Salt?
Answer… I just got from Asda’s own in the season section in a little tub.
Member Question… Do you just put them in foil? X
Answer… No foil, just on their own. x
Member Question… Do you put water in ?
Answer… Deborah Jones nope, just in as they are once washed, pricked, oiled and seasoned.
Member Question… Did they not stick to bottom? Xx
Answer… Nope surprisingly 😊 xx
Member Question… 5 hours is a lot of electricity to cook a jacket.
Answer… Not really when u consider a slow cooker uses the same amount of electricity as a light bulb on average 7 hours on a slow cooker will cost 15p and an hour in an oven is around 30p.
Member Question… Do you put the lid on?
Answer… Yep
Will try …cheers xx
I thought you had to have liquid in a slow cooker