Getting a bit brave and using the slow cooker Recipes for the 2nd day on the trot and I’ve gone off piste and not using a recipe 😱
x1 onion cut up – didn’t bother frying it first.
x8 meatballs – browned them in the pan first.
Frozen peas – because we like peas and why not 🤷🏻♀️ plus it bulks it out a bit too.
A jar of Loyd (one L…weird?!) Grossman tomato & bacon sauce which has red chilli in too. I’m not a fan of hot stuff but hey ho, let’s give it a go!
I’ve chucked it all in and on medium at midday. I’ll put it down to a low in an hour or so. Usual 6pm dinner time so will sort pasta about half 5. And am hoping hubby brings home some nice bread from his weekly traumatic shopping trip 🥖

2nd Recipe Morning all my take on a beef casserole. First time I made one I didn’t really like it so hoping this time will be different as also adding more stuff than last time.
1 onion
4 carrots large ones
Green beans ( don’t like peas but don’t mind these)
Diced beef
Colman’s beef casserole mix
Rich beef stock pot
Red wine stick pot
Is one stock pot each enough or do you think I will need to add more?
Will add dumplings later 😁
Edit: Sorry for the messy plate couldn’t wait to tuck into it when I realised I hadn’t taken a photo lol it was really tasty and went down a treat.
3rd Recipe Ta daaaa!
Meatballs which I browned in a pan first.
x1 onion chopped and thrown straight in the slow cooker.
Frozen peas & frozen mushrooms thrown in.
A jar of Loyd Grossman tomato and smoked bacon sauce.
Put it on at midday on medium then down to low after a couple of hours.
Made the pasta and then mixed that in and left it for about 30 mins to let the sauce soak in.
Grated cheese on top but wanted to get the pic before I hid it under a mountain of the stuff!
Absolutely delicious! 😋 Peas didn’t go mushy either 😀
Slow cooker going away until Monday now.
Loving this page and seeing all the ideas 🙂