Slow Cooker Nutella & Ferrero Rocher Cheesecake Recipe..
Anyone for a Slow Cooker Nutella & Ferrero Rocher Cheesecake Recipe ????
140g crushed chocolate digestive or oreo biscuits.
10 – 20g melted butter more if needed.
2x 280g full fat philadelphia
1 cup of nutella
2x medium – large eggs
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
Melt butter the add your crushed biscuits to it and mix together.
Transfer mixture to a 8″ springform tin and press down gently until the bottom of the tin is evenly covered.
In your mixer or blender put in all or your ingredients and mix until a smooth creamy consistency.
Transfer to your springform tin leaving about an inch from the top of the tin.

Put in your slow cooker and place on high for 1 1/2 – 2 hours. Times will vary with each slow cooker.
The cheesecake is cooked when it had a slight wobble in the middle.

Leave to cool slightly in the tin before you put on your ferrero rochers (whole or crushed) to cool completely before you then transfer to your fridge and leave overnight.

Also lid on and tea towel under lid x.

By Victoria Allison
- Question….. Omg amazing, 1 question, how do you get it out the slow cooker looking nice?XxX
Answer……. If you use an 8″ tin like I did for this it’s easy enough to get out with 2 t towels as its high enough, otherwise use foil x
2. Question…… does the base not go soggy?
Answer……… No it doesn’t x
3. Question…… 1cup Nutella. how much is one cup?
Answer….. Around 225g.
4. Question….. Did you push the FR’s into the top when it came out of the WC, before chilling in the fridge?
Answer…. Yes I let cool a little before I put on top though.
5. Question…. It’s the 1s with like a clip at the side, what click to lock, then u unclick it when ur cake etc is cooked x
Answer….. A spring form tin has a loose base and is non stick. It is more versatile than other cake tins and has a release lock on the side. Its just easier to release the cheesecake from the tin.
6. Question….. Did u use a tea towel under lid please?
Answer….. No I didn’t , I never do with my sc but everyone’s are different.
7. Question….. Just wondered is there any water at the bottom of sc? under tin,i have never made a cake or cheese cake in them before.
Answer….. No there isn’t. I find water gives off more condensation but some sc’s need water mine doesn’t. Hope this helps x
8. Question….. what a springform tin is? Ps I would also have this for breakfast with a nice cup of tea X
Answer…… A springform tin has a loose base and is non stick. It is more versatile than other cake tins and has a release lock on the side. Its just easier to release the cheesecake from the tin.