Seasoned pulled pork roast with seasoned roast sweet potatoes,cauliflower cheese, stuffing, roast carrots and gravy made from the pork juices .
1.5kg pork shoulder (fat removed)
2 tsp fresh ground sea salt
1 tsp fresh ground black pepper
1 tsp ground cumin
1 tsp chilli powder
1 tsp smoked paprika
480ml chicken stock
1 medium onion,sliced

mix all spices together in a bowl and then rub into pork joint making sure to get into all nook and crannies. Pour the stock into the sc and place in the pork joint. Place sliced onion on top of pork. Cover and cook on low for 8 hrs. Shred pork and serve with whatever you would like. I made a gravy with the juices by adding a little gravy granules as was making a roast dinner .
By Sally Ryan
Love the meal ideas so written down the way to do them..ages since I made lovely meals from scratch. Looking fwd try making the fresh ideas for a fab change from always bought in meals. My poor large and small slow cookers have been at back of my kitchen cupboard for years so Thankyou for these great ideas..youve given me my mojo back for doing batch cooking of some of these lovely ideasxx