My Slow Cooker Paprika Beef.. (We call it a CnC dinner “Chop n Chuck” lol
Mix in slow cooker the below ingredients. No need to brown meat first.
500 gm diced beef (I used rump because that’s what I had but usually use gravy beef) can add more if you want depending on how meaty you want the meal
1 chopped onion
1 chopped red capsicum
1 chopped green capsicum
4 cloves chopped garlic
1 large chopped zucchini (optional but I had one that needed using up)
A couple of teaspoons of caraway seeds
A couple of good sized tablespoons of smoked paprika
A couple of rounded tablespoons of plain flour
1 tablespoon of tomato purée
1 tin diced tomatoes
4 large or 8 small rough chopped vine tomatoes
2 beef stock cubes mixed into 1 1/2 cups of water
Salt and pepper
Cook on low 8 hours or so.
(If it’s a tad too saucy, I add a bit of dry couscous to thicken 30 mins before serving.)

I serve on rice with chopped parsley.
I added more paprika because we love the flavour and I also had garlic shoots in my fridge which needed to be used up so I threw them in as well. I also have added a sweet potato that needed to be used up in the past and omitted the zucchini. Just depends what’s in my fridge that’s looking sad lol
Leftover meat and rice are mixed together to make paprika enchiladas the next day and if there is leftover meat and rice after filling the enchiladas, I make pies out of them. So usually I get 3 different meals out of one batch of recipe.
it’s a 10 year old Kmart one. No idea exactly what size, but I’d say around 5ltr. (I think lol)
By Tootsie Vendetti Slow Cooker Paprika Beef Recipe