Slow Cooker victoria sponge . Just waiting for partner to get in so we can have a cuppa with the cake.
150g each of unsalted butter,
self raising flour and caster sugar.
3 eggs, and a teaspoon of vanilla essence.
Cooked it on high for 1 hour and 20 minutes. The filling was 140g of icing sugar, 100g unsalted butter and a drop of vanilla essence. Then 170g of strawberry jam. I used a cake case out if B & M, £1.99 for 20.
I haven’t tasted it yet mind you!!! You also may have to adjust the cooking times & I used a tea towel under the lid.
- Question…… Where do u get the cake liners from please.
Answer….. Got mine in B&M.
2. Question….. Do you out a cake tin in the slow cooker x
Answer….. no, I used a paper cake case, 1.99 for 20 in B&M. X
Raspberry and White Chocolate Fudge
2ND Slow Cooker Victoria Sponge with jam and whipped cream Recipe 😍😍😍
6oz SR flour
1 teaspoon vanilla
6oz stork
3 eggs
6oz light brown sugar

Cream stork and sugar until light and fluffy. Add eggs one at a time mixing after each one. Sift in flour bit by bit and fold in until mixture is smooth. Pour batter into paper case in sc on high for 1hr 40 mins.
Whipped up some double cream with a teaspoon of vanilla for the filling. Added jam too.
1. Question…. Did you do it as one big cake then split it into 2?
Answer…. Yes
2. Question…. What size slow cooker do you use? Also is it round or oval shaped slow cooker?
Answer…… Yes its a 3.5ltr oval one. Yes I used the paper cake liners from B&M x
3. Question….. B&m??
Answer….. B&M bargains it’s a shop similar to home bargains x You can get the paper liners anywhere though x
4. Question….. you don’t put an actual cake tin in the sc as well I presume? Just batter in liners and then straight into slow cooker?
Answer….. Yes I just pour the batter in to the liner. After the cooking time I lift the pot out and leave to cool until it’s safe to lift the cake out x I don’t use a tin x
5. Question…… Can you use castor instead of brown sugar?
Answer….. Yes any sugar will be fine really x
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1. slow cooker cake
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