Slow Cooker Keema. So Delicious 😋
500g beef or lamb mince
1 onion, diced
1 green chilli, finely sliced
2cm ginger, finely diced
2 garlic cloves, crushed
1 tbsp garam masala
1 tsp ground coriander
1 tsp cumin
1/2 tsp turmeric
1-2 tsp chilli powder
2 tbsp tomato puree
1 tin chopped tomatoes
150g frozen peas
100ml water

In a frying pan heat a little oil and add the onions. Fry for 5-10 mins then add the garlic, ginger and sliced chillies. Gently fry for another 5 mins. Add the garam masala, ground coriander, cumin, turmeric and chilli powder and gently fry for 5 mins. Add the tomato puree, mix and fry for another few minutes. Add the tomatoes and cook down for 5-10 mins.
Transfer mix into sc. Add the mince to the frying pan (don’t wash pan), cook, drain and add to the sc. Give a good mix and add the peas and water. Cover and cook on High for 4-5 hours. Serve with whatever you like I love it with mozzarella topped chips with mint yoghurt but this would also be a great filling for samosas.

By Sally Ryan SloW Cooker Keema Recipe
New Recipes
Chicken curry in mine today only just put it on and it’s smells lovely already
Garlic (4 cloves)
Tomato purée
A can of coconut milk
Garam masala
Mixed spices
Curry powder
I fired off the onion, garlic butter, oil and spices together until onions are soft then add the chicken, mushrooms, coconut milk, tomato purée cook on low 5-6 hours
The spices I just pour in but I’d say around a teaspoon or 2 of each.

By Emma
New Recipes
Stuffed lambs hearts today.
5 lambs hearts
Small box stuffing
2 onions
3 large potatoes
5 medium carrots
Mint jelly
Mustard powder
Dried mixed herbs
Gravy granules

Peel and chop all veg into large chunks and place in s/c.
Make up stuffing mix as instructed on box.
Clean and prepare hearts.

Stuff hearts with stuffing and place in s/c.
To any left over stuffing mix add all other ingredients and mix to a thick sauce. Add this to s/c.
Going to cook on low for 8-10 hrs and serve with Yorkshire puddings, green beans and cabbage. Will add photos when ready. Xxx
By Tina Smith
New Recipes
This is called “ WONDER SOUP”
Iv made this as it helps you to loose weight and I need to shift a fare bit.
This is what’s in it☺️
1/2 head of cabbage chopped
1 cup celery
1 cup onion
1 cup carrots
1 green pepper
2-3 cloves garlic minced
4 cups chicken broth
14 oz can basil oregano, garlic diced tomatoes
1 teaspoon oregano
1 teaspoon basil
few shakes of black pepper.
I just through it All in the slow cooker, will be on low till 5/6 pm😁. Just realized I didn’t dice any of the veg but it will still be ok

By Tiggz Rose
New Recipes
Today was jacket potatoesand pulled beef in slow cooker so good!!
For jackets put a drizzle of oil in bottom of slow cooker stab each potato with a knife a few times then rub each one with oil salt and pepper in slow cooker on low for 6 hours then on high for an hour to crisp up a bit. I turned the potatoes once in the cooking process.
Pulled beef

Recipe was 100ml of any bbq sauce 300ml of beef stock 1 tin of chopped tomatoes 2tbsp of worsishire sauce 3 tbsp of honey 1 tbsp of paprika I made this up the night before and just let it sit in the slow cooker covered but turned off, joint of beef covered with onion powder salt and pepper and browned and sealed in pan placed in slow cooker turned on high brown of red onions and I did 5 cloves of garlic and added to pan on high for 6 hours then removed beef and shredded with two forks removed sauce and blended added two tbsp of cornflour to thicken then added it all back to slow cooker on low for 2 more hours.
*the pulled beef I’d made a week ish ago and froze so I just defrosted today and reheated.

By Abby Westoby
New Recipe
I marinated some chicken thighs in mushroom and red onion sauce over night. Then chopped up carrots in fingersize chunks. Cut big chunky onions and put in some mushrooms and chopped garlic. Then added a red wine stock pot . Put the chicken thighs on top and poured leftover sauce over it.
Put it on high for an hour then low until kids came in from school. Took out the chicken thighs and put them in a dish.

Took out the veg with slotted spoon and put in a tray of hot oil to roast
Poured a bit of leftover liquid over the chicken thighs and covered with tin foil then put in bottom of oven while veg roasted.
Used the rest of the liquid to make a gravy with chicken granules and boiling water
Made some mash and served up.
It was delicious

New Recipe
Beef Bourguignon
626g diced beef
100g bacon diced
300g small chalots
2 garlic cloves Finley chopped
1 tablespoon plain flour
150ml red wine
300ml beef stock
1 tablespoon of tomato purée
Good pinch of salt & pepper .
Chopped parsley to garnish
Fry beef in frying pan.
Put in slow cooker when browned , use a slotted spoon.
Fry bacon and shallots until bacon is browned
Add garlic , red wine and beef stock
Stir in one tablespoon of flour
Bring to a steady boil for 3/4 min
Add to beef in the allow cooker
Stir well
5hrs on high
10hrs on low
Serve with plain boiled rice
Garnish with chopped parsley ! When serving
Enjoy , it tastes fantastic !!!
SLow cooker keema