Slow cooked whole chicken with French onion soup
Ingredients : chicken
French onion soup dry mix
Any roast vegetables to serve (cooked separately)
I tried the slow cooked roast chook with French onion soup. It. Was. Amazing!
No progress shots unfortunately just the finished product. The juices made the best gravy I’ve ever had too, packed full of flavour!

– I used a 1.7kg whole chicken, rinsed and patted dry
– place in slow cooker and rub in a packet of French onion soup (dry mix). I put a little in the cavity of the chook too for good measure
-leave in slow cooker for 8.5hrs (prob could’ve been less but still came out succulent and moist)
* my slow Cooker hasn’t got a high/low setting, so I just set the time and press ‘cook’ lol
-no need to check, stir or add anything else, the juices of the chicken will come out and mix with the seasoning
– when chook is cooked place on a serving board to make the gravy.
-add approx 3 tablespoons flour and whisk into the remaining juices to make the world’s best gravy
I served with oven roast potatoes, Parsnip, sweet potato and steamed carrots and broccoli
*worth to note that I cooked the vegetables separately to the chicken so they didn’t go soggy and mushy. enjoy
by Vanessa Waters